About organic nordic apple powder

About Us

We are a family owned business focused on creating a sustainable supply chain from our fields to your family.  Behind the scene everything is about our family and our three beautiful and talented kids. We used to be busy city people enjoying weekends in countryside in a summer house until our third child was born and we realized that we want to get off the busy business cycle in city. 

Our Love to Nature and Pure Food

We care about what we eat and how it has been cultivated – organic and natural food has been in our lifestyle for many years before agriculture became our lifestyle. Passion to organic inspired us to create a fruit orchard in 2017 to fields that has been in our family for more than 100 years.

Today our certified organic fields are enjoying the natural environment and clean air of Estonian nature. We enjoy sustainably managing our orchard and love the thought that we can provide our family and yours with amazing freeze-dried superfood fruits.

With Love from Estonia

Kaia & Reigo Kardmaa

apple powder made in top4 organic country in world